About WTPS.
Women Tech Park established in rural areas as technology modulation, adaption, and training canters for women groups to improve the weakest link of the predominant livelihood system of women in an area and promote social entrepreneurship and women employment based on the strongest link of the livelihood system.

Training Workflow
1.Local Network for Mobilizing SHGs with the help of OLM, Mission Shakti/ICDS
2.Awareness and Orientation Programme at Village level with the help of CRP, MBK, and President of Block Level Federation.

WTP’s Set up by KIIT-TBI
- WTP Chikiti , Established in 2017
- WTP Jagatsignhpur, Established in 2019
- WTP Koida, Established in 2019
- WTP Kandhamal, Established in 2021

Relax Atmosphere
- Assessment test conducted after Scoping and Selected for the Training.
- Last round Assessment Test after 5 days of Filed Visit by the members to select the 5 Ambassadors for setting up micro enterprise.

WTP- Providing Technological Interventions for Alternative Livelihood Creation
WTP Chikiti
- Total 1225 lives touched.
- Total 14 Training Conducted.
- Total 10 Microenterprise setup completed till now.
WTP Koida
- 650+ Lives touched
- 110+ SHG Member received training on Phenyl and Hand Sanitizer
- 40+ SHG/AWW get to know how to sell the product in online market
- Three SHG groups started selling Phenyl In Koida Market.
- SHG Group Connected with National level wholesaler via Marketmirchi.com
- 10 SHG members able to earn 7000 rupees per month by Phenyl Making
WTP Jagatsignhpur
- Total Lives touched 500+
- Total 3 Training Conducted
- Total 1 Microenterprise setup completed till now.
WTP Kandhamal
- 1962+ Lives touched
- 291 Self-Help Group trained
- Total Training Conducted-14
- Training on LED Bulb Manufacturing-07
- Training on Millet Noodles Production- 05
- Training on Natural Tooth Brush Production- 02
- 387 Women trained
- SHG Level Micro Enterprise Established- 11
- LED Bulb Production Unit- 08
- Natural tooth Brush Unit- 02
- Millet Noodles Unit- 01
Gliipmses Of Ongoing Program
What They Say

She expressed her interest in learning a new skill to augment her income when she filled up the scoping sheet that was shared during the village awareness drives conducted. This was followed by appearing in the pre-enrolment test conducted by the WATP-Kandhamal, KIIT TBI, which was selected for the training program. She undertook training at WATP for 10 days including technical, Enterprise, and Filed Immersion Training
Madhuri Pradhan

She expressed her interest in learning a new skill to augment her income when she filled up the scoping sheet that was shared during the village awareness drives conducted. This was followed by appearing in the pre-enrolment test conducted by the WATP-Kandhamal, KIIT TBI, which was selected for the training program. She undertook training at WATP for 10 days including technical, Enterprise, and Filed Immersion Training.
Chaina Pradhan