KIIT-TBI & BRTC @ #10yearsofBIRAC

Technology Briefs of our startups

Technology Briefs of Northeast startups

BRTC Impact Report

Brief about KIIT-TBI Technology Transfer Office

KIIT-TBI Analytical Testing Facility

KIIT-TBI Prototyping Facility

Stories of our BIG Grantees

Changemakers of Northeast

An initiative by BIRAC Regional Techno-Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre (BRTC) to fuel the innovation ecosystem in NER.

Building the East & North East Region BioNEST Cluster

An initiative by BIRAC BioNEST Cluster. Bringing together all the BioNEST supported incubators spread across the East and Northeast Region of India.

The Nature India spotlights Odisha

KIIT-TBI has been featured extensively in this Nature India Special Issue on Odisha, featuring its strength, programs supporting innovation and its promising startups. We thank Nature India editorial for bringing out such a lovely issue.