KIIT-TBI Ecosystem with the support of


Early Translation Accelerator (ETA)

Funding Up to INR 200 Lakhs/ Project

About: Early Translation Accelerator (ETA)

Early Translation Accelerator (ETA), focus on catalyzing transformation of young academic discoveries (publications/patents) with possible commercially viable ventures and technologies. The aim of ETA is to add a translational component to establish proof-of-concept/ Validation and to attract the industry to take these validated technologies further in terms of development. KIIT-TBI as the BIRAC ETA center is responsible to facilitate collaboration with academic investigators, industry and to leverage international translation ecosystems.

Objectives: Early Translation Accelerator

Mining & Assessment of Technologies being developed at various universities
Identifying at least 10 potential early-stage scientific discoveries which has at least reached TRL 5
Building linkages between innovators and industry leaders for translation and further validation of research
Scouting for Industrial partners and conceptualize the Translational project components
Effective transfer of product prototype generated from ETA by successful licensing to industries or companies and filing of IP

Duration: Early Translation Accelerator

18 months

Eligibility: Early Translation Accelerator

Innovators and research scientists. clinicians from Universities and Academic, R&D institutions, and medical institutes in India
An innovative idea in the Healthcare sector focusing on Medical Devices and Diagnostics.
With commercial potential and ready for transferring the technology
The Technology has to be equal to or more than TRL 5 ( Please see the BIRAC TRL guidelines


Funding: Early Translation Accelerator

Funding up to INR 200 Lakhs/ Project

workflow: Early Translation Accelerator

Step 1

Screening, selection, and onboarding of lab-validated innovations with TRL level 5 from academic Institutions.

Step 2

Making the technology Industry ready  and Building linkages between innovators and industry leaders for translation and further research validation.

Step 3

Technology transfer for commercialization by industry partners.