Enabling Translation of an Innovative Idea to a Prototype

Product Development Grant upto INR 10 Lakhs


The NIDHI-Promotion and Acceleration of Young and Aspiring technology entrepreneurs (NIDHI-PRAYAS) program is one of the programs introduced under NIDHI Scheme by DST, GoI that focuses on addressing the idea to prototype funding gap. This is a program designed to attract a large number of youngsters to come forward to try out their ideas and try to see if they will work in real life business situations.


To enable the translation of an innovative idea to a prototype.
To provide a platform for faster experimentation and modify approaches in the idea-to-market journey.
To indigenously generate innovative solutions relevant to local and global problems.
To attract a large number of youth who demonstrates problem-solving zeal and abilities.
To work on their new technology/knowledge/innovation-based startups.
To enhance the pipeline in terms of quality and quantity of innovative startups to the incubators.
To build a vibrant innovation ecosystem, by establishing a network between innovators, academia, mentors, and incubators.


Upto 10 Lakhs


Early Stage Entrepreneurs with Innovative Technology Business Ideas for the Development of Prototype.
Any individual applying for PRAYAS has to be an Indian Citizen with a government approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc. The applicant should be in the age group of minimum of 18 years, as on date of application.
The applicant should have completed full-time undergraduate/postgraduate education towards one or more degree programs. A basic degree  should be in science or engineering.


12 months

Thematic Area

healthcare (3)



Agri Tech

engineering (1)




internet-of-things (1)



Clean Tech


Other Emerging Technologies


Call Opens

Generally, for a window of 1 month


Declaring the Shortlisted Candidates.


Presentation to Selection Committee.


Final List of Candidates Selected.



Call Announced


Application Received



0 Cr+

External Investment raised

0 Cr+

Funds Mobilized


Product Commercialised

Program Benefits

Upto 10 lakhs product development grant for 12 months.

Tailored mentoring in areas like IP, Legal, Regulatory, Business Development.

Opportunity to pitch for follow-on funding under other KIIT-TBI's programs.

Access to co-working space, common infras, and administrative support.
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Specific functional and domain knowledge sessions to build better.

Access the digital fabrication lab to turn your ideas into prototypes.

Our Grantees


  • After the receipt of proposals, Programme Executing Partner – TBI will check the eligibility of each applicant.
  • Applicants who are eligible will then be scrutinised by the expert committee at each Programme Executing Partner – TBI based on certain qualifying criteria’s to select the final recipients of NIDHI-EIR support.
  1. Preference shall be given for
  • Technology business ideas with larger technology uncertainties and/ or long gestation periods.
  • Technology business ideas leveraging technology or IP from publicly funded research or academic organizations .
  • Technology business ideas with considerable potential for social impact.

      2. Entrepreneurs pursuing business ideas with no or marginal technology innovation or those with very short journey (i.e less than 6 months) to commercialization are discouraged to apply.

  • Formal business plan for the idea they intend to pursue
  • Business presentation including the investment proposal
  • Proof of citizenship (Aadhaar)
  • Passport size photo
  • SC/ST Certificate (if applicable)

Startup less than 2 years and wants to develop the prototype for a new product, for which they may have not received similar kind of support.

Not eligible for PRAYAS:
A. Student applicants pursuing long term research projects like doctoral research projects or similar projects will not be supported
B. Professors or Academicians engaged in teaching with any academic or R&D institute.

Eligibility criteria

  1. The project should involve physical product development. The projects relating to software development and those involving pure academic research are not eligible.
  2. The priority areas for supporting innovations under NIDHI PRAYAS program are manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, clean-tech, energy, water and Internet of Things (IoT) and other technology areas.
  3. Preference may be given to those innovators
    A. Who have bootstrapped or have got co-investment commitment.
    B. Who have clear road map for commercialization or startup creation.
    C. Women innovators
    D. Young innovators
  4. If the innovator is pursuing to build a prototype from their institute/organization IP, then in that case innovator will take no objection certificate from the appropriate authority of their institute/organisation for use/IP transfer / ownership in favour of the innovator/startup.
  5. If the applicant is studying /working in an institute/organization, they should get a no objection certificate from that respective institute/organization for applying to NIDHI PRAYAS.
  6. The NIDHI-PRAYAS grantee should be registered for the pre-incubation or incubation program at the TBI for the entire duration of the program, after going through the TBI’s selection process.
  7. NIDHI-PRAYAS grantee should be fully committed to work towards the prototype development for which the support is being sought and should not treat this as a stop gap arrangement to support any other pursuits.

NIDHI- PRAYAS Program as the scheme suggest is to help – young and aspiring innovators. The focus is to provide support/funding from idea to prototype.
This grant, therefore, will primarily be utilised by the innovators to convert their ideas into prototype. It cannot, however, be used for supporting:-

  • Any institute/organization(not being a start up company) to develop an IP into prototype.
  • Any innovators working/pertaining to an institute/organization for converting their IP into prototype.
  • Any idea which is part of academic research work carried out at the institute/personal level.
  • Any idea that is developed into prototype where the IP could vest with any institute/organization.